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Major Reports On Politics in Canada

I have authored a series of academic-style reports on Canadian democracy since my retirement from the Green Party in 2000. Some have been influential. Some have vanished without a trace.

January 2001 – Michael Geoghegan Consulting – Poll Study

The poll aggregation and election forecasting methodology used by CBC’s Eric Grenier was originally developed by mathematician Julian West for the BC Green Party and was used by me in this accurate election forecast I did for Michael Geoghegan Consulting.

August 2005 – Fair Vote Canada – Towards Proportional Local Government

This report proposed major reforms to Toronto’s voting system to democratize it is an alternative to the Strong Mayor System.
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April 2008 – Toronto Democracy Initiative – Let’s Try Civic Democracy

This report proposed major reforms to Toronto’s voting system to democratize it as an alternative to the Strong Mayor System and Instant Runoff Voting.

June 2012 – Nathan Cullen Campaign/LeadNow – The Logistics of Cooperation

This report operationalized Nathan Cullen’s progressive primaries proposal and served as the foundation for LeadNow’s Vote Together campaign.